OBC Bulletin 35, June 2002: contents
The OBC Bulletin was published and distributed twice a year to OBC members. It was discontinued in 2004 and replaced with BirdingASIA. Hard copies of later issues of the OBC Bulletin can be ordered from our online store.
Mongolian Ground-jay, Bulletin 35 cover (Henry Mix)
Bertram Smythies Memorial Fund: Statement of Aims
Recent ornithological observations in Ma Da Forest, Dong Nai Province, Southern Vietnam Dr Andrei V. Zinoviev
Stoliczka's Bushchat Saxicola macrorhyncha in Haryana, India Bill Harvey
Little-known and neglected distinctive (sub)species of southern Japan Otani Chikara
Ornithology at Lake Baikal: a brief history of research Jirí Mlíkovsky
Ornithologically important wetlands of the Lake Baikal area, East Siberia Jirí Mlíkovsky, David Heyrovsky and Petr Styblo
The deteriorating status of the Indian Bustard Ardeotis nigriceps Asad R. Rahmani
An expedition to the summit of Khao Soi Dao Tai, Southeast Thailand Philip Round, George Gale, Matthew R. Marshall and Lars Pomara
Birding in Central Asia: an introduction to Mongolia Axel Bräunlich
Photospot: Nilgiri Thrush Zoothera (dauma) neilgherriensis Jijo Matthew
Little-known Oriental bird: Bornean Bristlehead Pityriasis gymnocephala Simon Colenutt
A diary of the anxious times of Operation Swift Dr. Satish A. Pande
Plus regular sections: Club News, Conservation Fund News, Around the Orient, To the editor, From the Field, Recently Published, Stray Feathers and Free Press.
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