Red-crowned Cranes © Pete Morris / Birdquest
Support bird conservation in Asia
Join the Oriental Bird Club
Each year members receive:
the Journal of Asian Ornithology, Oriental Bird Club's journal, containing papers on distribution, conservation, ecology and biology of the region's birds
two issues of BirdingASIA containing news, recent reports, reviews and feature articles from around the Oriental region.
Membership is open to all
Prices are per annum, apart from the lifetime membership fee, and may be changed at the Club’s discretion. All memberships will commence with the current year’s publications and will include access to electronic PDF publications. Meetings are arranged for members with illustrated presentations on different aspects of Oriental birds and conservation. PLEASE NOTE: please ensure you add to your safe senders list. Particularly problematic are and all @live email addresses. If possible, please use an alternative system, such as or contact your service provider to request that messages from are forwarded to your account.
Membership categories and annual subscription rates
Please note that Online only memberships are fulfilled when you are emailed PDFs of relevant publications: there is no physical product sent to you.
Student and Asia-based Online from £12.00
A new category for bona fide students and Asia-based nationals who feel they cannot afford the standard rates.
Individual Online from £15.00
Members receive two BirdingASIAs and one Journal of Asian Ornithology as PDFs
Individual Print and Online from £20.00
The most popular category: members receive two BirdingASIAs and one Journal of Asian Ornithology as both printed copies and as PDFs
Family Online from £20.00
Family members receive two BirdingASIAs and one Journal of Asian Ornithology as PDFs
Family Print and Online from £25.00
Family members receive two BirdingASIAs and one Journal of Asian Ornithology as both printed copies and as PDFs
Supporting Print and Online from £30.00
Members who subscribe to this category can nominate a recipient in the Oriental region USING THIS FORM to receive that year’s publications in digital format. If left blank, Council will allocate the support to one of the approved honorary members.
Institution Print and Online from £40.00
Libraries and other institutions should subscribe in this category.
Lifetime Print and Online £600.00
A one-off fee for those who choose the lifetime subscription.
REPEAT: Do not use the link in this grey box unless you have a UK bank account. Instead use the button just above the Visa, Mastercard and Maestro icons in the grey box below this one to pay by Credit or Debit card.
Supporters with UK bank accounts can choose to pay by Direct Debit. This helps considerably with administration of the Club. You only need to set this up once: we advise when your subscription is due, the amount and provided you are happy, you do nothing and the payment is taken. You can choose to cancel your Direct Debit at any time.Choose your membership category below and follow the online instructions - thank you!
ONLY USE THE DIRECT DEBIT OPTION IF YOU HAVE A UK BANK ACCOUNT. IF YOU DO NOT PLEASE USE THE CREDIT/DEBIT CARD OPTION BELOWREPEAT: Do not use this link unless you have a UK bank account. Instead use the button just above the Visa, Mastercard and Maestro icons to pay by Credit or Debit card
We accept payments by Mastercard/Eurocard, Visa/Electron, or Solo/Maestro.
Simply choose the appropriate category and number of years (up to three)

If you are a UK tax payer, please consider enabling Gift Aid for any membership fees or donations - allowing the OBC to claim an extra 25% at no cost to yourself. Simply confirm you are eligible and fill in this simple form. THANK YOU!
Cheques in UK Sterling only can be sent with a completed copy of this membership form
Please send an email to to receive instructions on where to post the completed form.
Please send general membership questions by email to
Please use the same forms for renewals as for new subscriptions - or preferably, renew online.
The Club sells a range of OBC clothing and trip reports along with back issues of Club publications. Some items are sold direct from the Club others via eBay. Proceeds from these sales are used to support the Club's aims including conservation work.
We will also use your email address to send you information relevant to your membership, such as news of new publications and membership reminders. We will not pass on your contact details to third parties unless essential to fulfill membership obligations (for example sharing with a mailing house).