Oriental Bird Club

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OBC virtual 37th Annual General Meeting 2021

This year’s Annual General Meeting, No. 37, will once again be an online event.

It will take place via Zoom on Saturday 18th September at 11:00 am British Summer Time (10:00 GMT).

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a talk on the Asian Songbird Crisis. Speakers will be Professor Stuart Marsden, who will talk about the various actions underway to address the crisis, followed by a summary of efforts to reduce the demand for wild caught songbirds, presented by Harry Marshall who is currently undertaking a PhD on this topic.

Attendance is by prior registration only, and only fully paid up members are entitled to vote. The meeting will cover essential Club business only and is not expected to take more than 45 minutes.

Under the Club’s constitution, this essential meeting must take place each year with a quorate of OBC Members attending, so we encourage as many members as possible to attend.

Please register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvdu6tpj0tGNXalnwIlWBaZtuYzn-ffOcr

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Oriental Bird Club 37th Annual General Meeting - Agenda

1. Apologies for absence

2. Approval of minutes of 36th Annual General Meeting

3. Matters arising

4. Treasurer’s presentation of 2020 Accounts & review of 2021

5. Approval of 2020 Accounts

6. Chairman's review of 2020

7. Election of the Independent Examiner

8. Election of 2022 Council

The following Council members have agreed to stand for re-election, Paul Insua-Cao, Chris Gooddie, John Gregory, Tim Loseby, Drew Lyness, Richard Thomas, Ding Li Yong, Russell Childs, Sayam Chowdhury, Billy Rodger, Vivian Fu

The following Council members are standing down from Council: Simon Roddis, Mike Edgecombe, Alex Berryman

The following council members were co-opted to council on 17th April 2021 and are standing for re-election: Richard Web, Jessica Borer

The following have agreed to stand for election as executive officers: Chris Goodie – Chairman, John Gregory – Treasurer, Russell Childs – Secretary

9. Any other business

Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting are available here and the Club’s Annual Accounts for 2020 here.

We look forward to welcoming you on 18th September!