Forktail 11 (1996)
Forktail 11
Forktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year and distributed to OBC members. In line with OBC Policy, papers are made freely available on the website three years after publication. Prior to this, these issues can be purchased as electronic downloads, or hard copies of most issues can be ordered from our online store.
Full papers
J. HORNSKOV. Recent observations of birds in the Philippine Archipelago
T.D. EVANS and R.J. TIMMINS. The status of the Green Peafowl, Pavo muticus, in Laos
J.K. TIWARI, S.N. VARU and M.K. HIMMATSINHJI. The occurrence of Grey Hypocolius, Hypocolius ampelinus, in Kutch, Gujarat, India
J. C. EAMES. The Bengal Florican, Eupodotis bengalensis, in Indochina
R.M. THEWLIS, J.W. DUCKWORTH, G.Q.A. ANDERSON, M. DVORAK, T.D. EVANS, E. NEMETH, R.J. TIMMINS and R.J. WILKINSON. Ornithological records from Laos, 1992-1993
P.K. McGOWAN, S. JAVED and A.R. RAHMANI. Swamp Francolin, Francolinus gularis, survey technique: a case study from northern India
O.F. JAKOBSEN and C. YDING ANDERSEN. New distributional records and natural history notes on the Whiskered Pitta, Pitta kochi, of the Philippines
T. BROOKS, G. DUTSON and P. M. MAGSALAY. An annotated check-list of the forest birds of Rajah Sikatuna National Park, Bohol, Philippines
N. J. COLLAR and A. LONG. Taxonomy and names of Carpococcyx cuckoos from the Greater Sundas
Short notes
F.R. LAMBERT, J.C. EAMES and NGUYEN CU. The habitat, status, vocalizations and breeding biology of Blue-rumped Pitta Pitta soror annamensis in central Vietnam
P.D. ROUND. On the seasonality and distribution of Gurney's Pitta, Pitta gurneyi
W. DUCKWORTH. Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo, Cuculus vagans, and Booted Eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus, in Laos: two species new for Indochina
C. ROBSON. Russet Bush-Warbler, Bradypterus seebohmi: a new species for Bhutan and the Indian subcontinent
C. ROBSON and P. DAVIDSON. Some recent records of Philippine birds
LEI FU-MIN. On the breeding ecology of the Little Owl Athene noctua in Shaanxi Province, China
HAN LIANXIAN. Notes on Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler Xiphirhynchus superciliaris in Yunnan, China
A. GAMAUF and S. TEBBICH. Re-discovery of the Isabela Oriole, Oriolus isabellae
M. VAN DER LINDE. A further record of the Isabela Oriole Oriolus isabellae from Baggao, Cagayan Province, northern Philippines
M. VAN DER LINDE. A new breeding species for the Philippines: The Pied Harrier, Circus melanoleucos
P.C. RASMUSSEN. Buff-throated Warbler, Phylloscopus affinis, restored to the avifauna of the Indian subcontinent
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