Forktail 12 (July 1997) — Oriental Bird Club

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Forktail 12 (1997)


Forktail 12

Forktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year and distributed to OBC members. In line with OBC Policy, papers are made freely available on the website three years after publication. Prior to this, these issues can be purchased as electronic downloads, or hard copies of most issues can be ordered from our online store.

Full papers
C. MISHRA. Pheasants and other birds of Majhatal Harsang Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh India
B. PANDAV. Birds of Bhitarkanika mangroves, eastern India
D. MOHAN. Birds of New Forest, Dehra Dun, India
D. ALLEN, J. ANDERTON and K. KAZMIERCZAK. Report on an ornithological visit to Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India, 17 February to 6 March 1992
R.B. TYMSTRA, S. CONNOP and C. TSERING. Some bird observations from central Bhutan, May 1994
A.R. RAHMANI. Status and distribution of White-browed Bushchat Saxicola macrorhyncha in India
J.K. TIWARI and A.R. RAHMANI. Notes on the current status and ecology of the White-naped Tit, Parus nuchalis, in Kutch, Gujarat, India
A.J. URFI. The significance of Delhi Zoo for wild waterbirds, with special reference to Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala
P. DAVIDAR, T. R. K. YOGANAND, T. GANESH and N. JOSHI. An assessment of common and rare forest bird species of the Andaman islands
V. GOKULA and L. VIJAYAN. Birds of Dr J. Jayalalitha (Mudumalai) Wildlife Sanctuary, India
J.W. DUCKWORTH, R.J. WILKINSON, R.J. TIZARD, R.N. KELSH and M.I. EVANS. Bird records from Similajau National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia

Short notes
K.M.N. HUDA. Some observations on the nesting activities of Chestnut-headed, Merops leschenaulti, and Green Bee-eaters, M. orientalis, in Chittagong, Bangladesh
V. SANTHARAM. Birds feeding on flowers
D. ALLEN. Unusual feeding behaviour of Black-faced Spoonbills, Platalea minor
J. EAMES. Some additions to the list of birds of Vietnam
E. MEY. Records of Blunt-winged Warbler Acrocephalus concinens in north Vietnam
E.R. MEEK. Corn Crake Crex crex: a new species for Vietnam and South-East Asia

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