Forktail 3 (1987)
Forktail 3
Forktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year and distributed to OBC members. In line with OBC Policy, papers are made freely available on the website three years after publication. Prior to this, these issues can be purchased as electronic downloads, or hard copies of most issues can be ordered from our online store.
Forktail 3 hard copies are SOLD OUT
Full papers
M.A. BRAZIL and H. IKENAGA. The Amami Woodcock, Scolopax mira: its identity and identification
F.H. SHELDON. Habitat preferences of the Hook-billed Bulbul, Setornis criniger, and the White-throated Babbler, Malacopteron albogulare, in Borneo
D.P. MALLON. The winter birds of Ladakh
S. NAKHASATHIEN. The discovery of Storm's Stork, Ciconia stormi, in Thailand
C.F. MANN. Notable bird observations from Brunei, Borneo
Short communications
A.J. HELBIG. Records of Javan Pond-Heron, Ardeola speciosa, and Dusky Warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus, in peninsular Malaysia in March 1986
D.W. McWHIRTER. Feeding methods and other notes on the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus, in Okinawa
R.V. LANSDOWN. Recent extensions in breeding range of the Yellow Bittern, Ixobrychus sinensis
C. SWENNEN and E.C.L. MARTEIJN. Notes on the feeding behaviour of the Milky Stork, Mycteria cinerea
G.J. WILES and Y. MASALA. Collapse of a nest tree used by Finch-billed Mynas, Scissirostrum dubium, in North Sulawesi
K.C. PARKES. Letter
T.J. ROBERTS. Obituary: Sálim Ali, 1896-1987
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