OBC Annual General Meeting 2013 — Oriental Bird Club

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OBC Annual General Meeting 2013

The Club's 29th Annual General Meeting will be held in the Wilkinson Room, St John theEvangelist Church, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8RN, UK, on Saturday 16th November 2013 at 12 noon.

The venue is within 10 minutes walk of Cambridge railway station. A map of where to find us is here.

Programme 10:30   Doors open – hot drinks & cakes available 11:00   Opening remarks by the Chairman 11:15   Alfred Russel Wallace: talk by Brian Sykes 12:00   Annual General Meeting (only OBC members may vote at the AGM) 12:45   Lunch break  –  refreshments and sales 13:45  Blue Whale courtship and Sperm Whales 'scrumming': talk by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne 14:00  Birds and Mysticism: a journey across Bhutan: talk by Ann & Andrew Duff 14:30  Spoonies get a head start  & Baer's Pochard, the duck in the coalmine? talk by Debbie Pain 15:45  Break for refreshments & sales 16:00 More from 30 years a photographer in the Orient: talk by Tim Loseby 16:45  Prize draw and closing remarks by the Chairman 17.00  Meeting closes

The Agenda for 2013 and Accounts for 2012 and Minutes of the 28th AGM in October 2012.
