2016 Autumn Meeting

The OBC Autumn Meeting, incorporating the 32nd AGM, will be held in the Wilkinson Room, St John the Evangelist, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8RN on Saturday 29th October 2016. The meeting starts at 11:00 and all are welcome - please bring your friends. Snacks, cakes and hot and cold drinks will be available all day.

Sales by WildSounds Prize draw in aid of the OBC Conservation Fund The AGM, at which only OBC members may vote, will be held at 12:10

Parking in side streets around the venue is very limited and we recommend that you travel by rail where possible or use the 'Park and Ride' service (www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/info/20149/park_and_ride). Walking time from Cambridge Station forecourt is about 15-20 minutes. Walk up Station Road to the junction with Hills Road and turn left. The venue is on the left hand side of Hills Road, about 400m after it crosses the railway, directly opposite Homerton College. There is a frequent bus service from Drummer Street bus station via the railway station forecourt, and along Hills Road. For a map, type the postcode CB2 8RN into ww.streetmap.co.uk.

Please find here the Minutes of the 2015 AGM, held in September 2015 and the OBC Accounts for 2015, both in PDF format.

Programme 10:30   Doors open – hot drinks & cakes available 11:00   Opening remarks by the Chairman 11:15    The Bengal Florican in India and Nepal – new insights from satellite telemetry – Paul Donald, Principal Conservation Scientist, RSPB 12:10   Annual General Meeting 12:40   Lunch break  –  refreshments and sales 13:40   How many bird species ARE there in Asia? – Dr Nigel Collar, Birdlife International 14:30  Birding in China 1984—2016 – Dr Per Alstrom , Swedish University of Agricultural  Sciences 15:20   Break for refreshments & sales 15:50   Remote Sulawesi –  a search for hidden avian gems – Mike Edgecombe 16:30   The Beijing Cuckoo Project: tracking migrations to engage, discover and inspire – Dr. Chris Hewson,  BTO Senior Research Ecologist, International Research Team 17.15   Prize draw and closing remarks by the Chairman 17:30   Meeting closes