Oriental Bird Club

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Rockjumper Conservation Fund Tour to Taiwan, May 2022

Fairy Pitta © Rich Lindie/Rockjumper

UPDATE AUGUST 2021: Unfortunately, owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular additional complications arising from the Delta variant, this tour has been postponed until 2023. More details and the new dates here.

We are delighted to announce that Rockjumper, a longstanding corporate sponsor of the OBC, will be running a tour to Taiwan in May 2022 raising funds for the OBC Conservation Fund.

Taiwan currently has twenty-nine recognised endemics and many endemic subspecies, a number of which will almost certainly be elevated to full species in the next few years. This along with its position on the exceptional East-Asian Flyway creates superb birding for both the serious and casual birder and consequently we hope that the tour will prove popular with OBC members.

Full details of the tour can be found on the Rockjumper website.

To whet your appetite, on 19th June OBC hosted a special webinar entitled Taiwan - The Beautiful Isle - Its Birds and Conservation.

Speakers included:

Da-Li Lin (Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute)
Scott Pursner (Taiwan Wild Bird Federation)
Glen Valentine (Rockjumper) who is leading the Conservation Fund Tour.

Watch the webinar here: