
Illegal mist-net use threats wild birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

Click on the image above to watch a recording of the webinar

On 18th January 2025, BirdLife International and the Oriental Bird Club (OBC) jointly hosted a special webinar on tackling the threat of illegal mist-net use in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). The bilingual webinar, with simultaneous English and Mandarin translation, highlighted the scale of illegal bird trapping in the EAAF using mist-nets, heard case studies from conservationists on the ground, and showcased some of the action being taken to address the issue.

Illegally trapped Siberian Rubythroat (left) and an illegally set mist-net (right). © Oriental Bird Club

Although data are sparse, available evidence indicates that illegal use of mist-nets is responsible for the deaths of millions of migratory birds each year in Asia alone, significantly contributing to biodiversity loss in the region and hastening the population decline of many species, some of them threatened with extinction. In 2022, under China’s presidency of the UN Framework Convention on Biological Diversity (UN CBD), more than 190 countries agreed to slow and stop biodiversity loss and, if the goals are to be reached, it is vital to tackle the illegal killing of wild birds using mist-nets.

Mist-nets are primarily used by poachers to catch wild birds for the cage bird trade and/or for food and by farmers to shield crops, such as fruit, fishponds or shellfish from wild birds. Mist-nets are also used for legitimate scientific study.

During the webinar, following a broad introductory overview by BirdLife’s Yong Ding Li and host Terry Townshend, close to 130 participants from around the world heard case studies from south and north Vietnam (Trang Nguyen from WildAct Vietnam and Nguyen Hoai Bao of WildTour and BirdLife International), Thailand (Rongrong Angkaew of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi) and China (Dan Liang of Princeton University). The case studies brought home the scale of illegal mist-net use in Asia for poaching and crop protection and some of the pioneering work to engage with authorities and local communities to try to reduce bird mortality, especially in wetlands and production landscapes in the region.

Representatives from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China – Deputy Director General Qiu Jinghui and Prosecutors Mou Qi and Ding Shu – then gave short presentations on the action being taken in China to tackle this issue. Deputy General Qiu revealed that addressing illegal mist-net use was now a high priority for the Supreme People’s Procuratorate who are focusing on “preventative, systematic and co-ordinated protection of wild birds.” The prosecutors had engaged with e-commerce platforms where mist-nets are cheaply and easily available to flag to anyone searching for mist-nets that their use to catch or kill wild birds is illegal. The national level prosecutors had also instructed provincial level prosecutors to prioritise the control of mist-nets. Case studies were presented in which local officials, after finding wild birds were being killed using mist-nets, had engaged with local communities to raise awareness of the law relating to wild bird protection and to explore alternative crop protection methods that do not involve the killing of wild birds. In 2025 research will take place into identifying a standard for anti-bird nets that protect crops but are more visible to birds, for example nets with a thick cord, and controlling the production and public sale of nets with a thinner cord. The prosecutors also noted that some of the mist-nets being used in Thailand and Vietnam had been imported from China and they will explore the potential to restrict their export from China.

The webinar was closed by Paul Insua-Cao, Chair of OBC’s Conservation Committee, who noted that the Club had already provided a grant to WildAct Vietnam for the work described in the presentation and encouraged further applications for small grant funding from organisations and individuals in the region to work on the issue. He also encouraged donations to OBC through the website to support fund projects on this issue.

Many webinar participants expressed surprise at the scale of the illegal use of mist-nets but were encouraged by the action being taken both by dedicated conservationists across the region and the authorities in China.

BirdLife International and Oriental Bird Club, together with the webinar speakers and participants, agreed to continue discussions around illegal mist-net use and explore opportunities for further collaboration to share experiences and good practices with a view to accelerating progress towards reducing and, ideally, eliminating the illegal use of mist-nets to catch wild birds in the EAAF.

BirdLife International and the Oriental Bird Club thank all the speakers, participants and interpreters for their insightful and meaningful contributions to the webinar.

OBC Webinar: Addressing mist-nets as a threat to wild birds—insights from Asia

Illegally trapped Siberian Rubythroat (left) and an illegally set mist-net (right). © Oriental Bird Club

On Saturday 18th January 2025 at 10:00 am GMT, the Oriental Bird Club (OBC) will be hosting a webinar on Tackling mist-nets as a threat to wild birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway to examine in depth the ongoing and rising conservation threat caused by indiscriminate trapping of wild birds using mist-nets in the region.

All are welcome—you don’t need to be on OBC member, although we’d love to you to join—but only via prior registration.

To register, please visit this link

Rockjumper Conservation Fund Tour to Taiwan, May 2022

Fairy Pitta © Rich Lindie/Rockjumper

Fairy Pitta © Rich Lindie/Rockjumper

UPDATE AUGUST 2021: Unfortunately, owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular additional complications arising from the Delta variant, this tour has been postponed until 2023. More details and the new dates here.

We are delighted to announce that Rockjumper, a longstanding corporate sponsor of the OBC, will be running a tour to Taiwan in May 2022 raising funds for the OBC Conservation Fund.

Taiwan currently has twenty-nine recognised endemics and many endemic subspecies, a number of which will almost certainly be elevated to full species in the next few years. This along with its position on the exceptional East-Asian Flyway creates superb birding for both the serious and casual birder and consequently we hope that the tour will prove popular with OBC members.

Full details of the tour can be found on the Rockjumper website.

To whet your appetite, on 19th June OBC hosted a special webinar entitled Taiwan - The Beautiful Isle - Its Birds and Conservation.

Speakers included:

Da-Li Lin (Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute)
Scott Pursner (Taiwan Wild Bird Federation)
Glen Valentine (Rockjumper) who is leading the Conservation Fund Tour.

Watch the webinar here:

Spoon-billed Sandpipers and the East Asian-Australasian flyway webinar

Leg-flagged Spoon-billed Sandpiper © Sayam Chowdhury

Leg-flagged Spoon-billed Sandpiper © Sayam Chowdhury

On Saturday 20th March 2021, OBC hosted the Club’s inaugural webinar, on Spoon-billed Sandpipers and the East Asian-Australasian flyway.

If you were one of the unlucky ones who missed out on this fabulous event, don’t worry, you can catch up with all the latest news and information in this recording.

This webinar will introduce you to the conservation of threatened migratory shorebirds in the Oriental Region, with a special focus on the highly charismatic and Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, a species that many of you may have observed in the coastal wetlands of Thailand. 

The guest speakers are: Dr. Christoph Zockler, Dr. Nigel Clark, and Mr. Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok

Christoph and Nigel are leading scientific authorities on the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and play key roles in the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force. Ayuwat oversees the shorebird conservation work led by the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand, including the OBC-supported project at the famed Pak Thale wetlands, and is also a well-known bird artist. 

Besides learning about conservation efforts targeted at some of the region's most threatened species, attendees will also able to hear updates from the OBC, including our conservation priorities going forward, and have a chance for feedback and discussion. 

The webinar is supporting fundraising for a satellite tagging Spoon-billed Sandpipers project to understand better their migration patterns and where to focus future conservation action. 

A huge thanks to all those of you who have already donated to support our work on satellite tagging Spoon-billed Sandpipers! You can show your support by making a donation here.

Helmeted Hornbill records sought

Bee Choo Strange of the Hornbill Research Foundation is on an urgent mission to collate all records of Helmeted Hornbills Rhinoplax vigil within the species's geographic range in preparation for a report to delegates attending the Helmeted Hornbill Conservation Strategy and Action Plan workshop in Sarawak, Malaysia, in May 2017.

The Helmeted Hornbill was uplisted in the IUCN Red List from from Near Threatened to Critically Endangered in 2015 owing to severe hunting pressure for its casque and habitat loss. Hunting pressure is expected to increase across the species's range and urgent conservation action is required.

The Indonesian government recently called upon the international community to help  prevent illegal trade in the species - in particular bill casques - during last year's meeting of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

The forthcoming Sarawak workshop will include NGO representatives from range countries and aims to develop a conservation Action Plan for the Helmeted Hornbill.

Phase I (March - May 2017) involves collating Helmeted Hornbill records from the literature, databases, museums and most importantly, recent and near-recent records from birdwatchers.

If you have records of Helmeted Hornbills - particularly recent sightings - please enter your data by visiting the following location and following the instructions there.

Please note any information provided will be used for research purposes only and will not be disclosed publicly.

Helmeted Hornbill Rhinoplax vigil © Muhammad Alzahri

Helmeted Hornbill Rhinoplax vigil © Muhammad Alzahri

Summit on songbird crisis in Asia

First announcement - details of how to register your interest below

Songbird Crisis Summit: Setting priorities to address the threat of songbird trade in the Greater Sunda region

26th-29th September 2015, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore

Songbird-keeping as a pastime is firmly entrenched in local culture and tradition in many regions of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia has one of the highest global demands and volume of domestic and international bird trade - involving hundreds of species and thousands of individual birds. The capture for the songbird trade is recognised as the single largest threat for many species in Southeast Asia, particularly the Greater Sunda region that comprises Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. At the present time, there is a lack of regulation, monitoring and enforcement efforts of bird markets, trade routes and collection sites by the relevant authorities. There needs to be an increase in awareness of the species conservation needs’ amongst the public, government and conservation groups.

In response to this crisis, Wildlife Reserves Singapore, TRAFFIC, and Cikananga Wildlife Center, along with other international institutions, have joined forces to host Asia’s first Songbird Crisis Summit.

The overarching goal of the Summit is: To raise awareness and profile of the songbird trade crisis to enhance conservation and enforcement efforts for threatened species of birds

The major objectives of this Summit are:

Southeast Asian Songbird Working Group

  • To establish a Southeast Asia Songbird Working Group with yearly reports and follow-up meetings

  • To develop and formalise an overall Strategy and Action Plan for the Songbird Working Group, as well as an agenda of follow-up activities

  • To define the responsibility(s) of each party and their role in the conservation and/or protection of these species

Strategy Planning

  • To list the top 25 songbird species for the Regional Conservation Strategy of the Greater Sundas;

  • To identify species of very high priority and develop species-focused action plans/publications to reduce the threats to each of these species;

  • To develop actions to be taken to encourage governments in the region to close down open large-scale bird markets trading in threatened and illegal species;

  • To provide current information and recommendations to BirdLife International to aid in the IUCN Red List status re-assessment of these key species for 2016;

  • To make suggestions to improve or re-assess national and international protection status of songbird species – particularly heavily traded species

  • To identify species that would benefit from being listed in the Appendices of CITES and develop actions to move these recommendations forward;

  • To produce a written “protection” agreement or MOU for each species to be signed by the ‘action’ organisations.

Venue provided by WRS:

  • Jurong Bird Park, Singapore


  • Three and a half days

  • 26th Sept (Sat) to 29th Sept (Tue)

  • Lunch, morning and afternoon tea breaks and one dinner session will be organised and provided by WRS

  • Attendees will have to cover their airfares, local transport and accommodation (a list of potential stay options and local transportation details will be sent out at a later date)

Draft Agenda:

  • Day 1 – Saturday 26th Sept:

    • Public/Media Event on the Wild Bird Trade: Public talks and activities.

    • Ice-breaker for Summit attendees

    • Day 2 – Sunday 27th Sept:

      • Songbird Trade updates and Regional Strategy formulation

      • Dinner

      • Day 3 – Monday 28th Sept:

        • Species-focused Action Planning – select 5 priority species

        • End of Summit - Free evening for Summit attendees

        • Day 4 – Tuesday 29th Sept:

          • Half-day session to compile and organize data for final document (Optional)

Please contact Jessica at or +65 9822 6644by the 1st of June if you are interested to attend this Summit.

Please note that as this is a strategy-planning workshop, sufficient knowledge on the topic as well as active participation in the development of this conservation document is expected.

Please help us distribute this invitation to those you think could significantly contribute to this effort.

Registration Form

Information for Attendees

Looking forward to seeing you all in Singapore in September!

The Songbird Crisis Summit team