Global Birding Day – Join the team and help set a new World Record!


Cley Spy, one of the Club’s corporate sponsors, will be participating in Global Birding’s Big Day (GBD),, on Saturday 9th October 2021 and have invited OBC members around the world to join the team and contribute to the worldwide attempt “to set another new world record for the largest number of birds seen by the greatest number of people on this peak migration weekend.”

The GBD days in October 2020 and May 2021 both set new records. 

In addition, the collection of data on birds across the world will be invaluable to scientists and conservationists fighting to help protect many of our vulnerable and endangered species.

Cley Spy are also raising funds for BirdLife International’s “Conserve Coastal Wetlands, Save Threatened Migratory Birds” campaign through their fund-raising page, another important purpose of the Global Birding Day.

Full details of how to take part can be found on the website but the key things that you need to do to participate are: 

  • Register as an individual to take part at When registering enter yourself as Name / Cley Spy Team.

  • If you do not already have an Ebird account register for one for free at and select Create an account.

  • On 9th October go birding and record whatever you see and then enter the details on Ebird. You can enter data for any number of different locations.

  • Finally, once you have entered and saved your checklists, please use the Share button, to share the checklists with CleySpyTeam. Please be careful to select CleySpyTeam (no spaces), and not CleySpy, from the options to ensure they are recorded correctly.

  • Please note that it does not matter if you are already signed up to another team, you can also share your records with CleySpyTeam, the records will not be double counted.

OBC are also hoping to have a team, or a joint team with Cley Spy, at future Global Birding Day events and hope that many members will take the opportunity to have a great day out birding, and in doing so contribute to an exciting project.

If you do participate have a great day’s birding.